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  • Bullying is considered to be any type of hateful speech, harassment, discrimination, or otherwise “mean” behavior.

  • NOT tolerated. Any bullying will result in a written warning for first offense. Any second offense, and you will be temporarily banned (1 week). Further bullying will result in a permanent ban.



  • Stealing is sharing/presenting/creating or otherwise having any content that you did not create yourself and claiming/presenting it as your own work.

  • Copying is re-creating any coat/marking/building/horse/sim in a near or exact manner and claiming/presenting it as your own work.

  • NOT tolerated. Any stealing/copying will result in a written warning. Any second offense will result in a permanent ban.

*Things that ​are permitted: Using real life pictures ONLY when creating sims, coats, buildings, markings, etc.



  • NSFW “Not-Safe-For-Work” is any content that is of a graphic nature including sex/nudity/violence etc. Basically anything you wouldn’t show your mother.

  • NOT tolerated. Any NSFW content shared in the group will result in a written warning. Second offenses will result in a temporary ban. Subsequent offenses will result in a permanent ban.

  • * Things NOT considered NSFW: Swearing, non-graphic nudity (creative censorship, backsides etc), light to moderate details of violence, sexual behavior.

*Things NOT permitted: Detailed descriptions of a sexual nature, violence, etc., pictures of genitalia, excessive gore, and anything that any other member might find of a disturbing or graphic nature.


Warning System

  • Warnings will be on a three strike basis and will have different levels of severity depending on the offense.

  • First warnings and least severe warnings will simply be a written notice. We the staff will privately message a member who has committed an offense and request that they refrain from further offenses.

  • Second warnings will again be of a written notice. Depending on the severity of the offense, will affect what additional consequences will be enacted. These could include a fine, a temporary ban, or a permanent ban.​

  • Third warnings will simply be an immediate consequence from the staff. These could include a fine, a temporary ban, or a permanent ban.

*Things to note: consequences are not only limited to those mentioned above. The ​consequence will be at the discretion of the staff and be appropriate for the offense.

When your


aren't enough, make them 


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