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Joining & Creating An Account


In order to register and start roleplaying in our community, you need to decide if you will start with your own stable/facility, or if you will be boarding your horses at our community stable.


Community Stable: If you do not have your own in-game facility and/or stable lots, don’t worry! You can still register and play! You are welcome to board your horses at our community facility (downloadable here-link), and house your staff in the on-facility dorms for a small monthly fee of $50 simoleons per horse. There is unlimited space in the community stable.

NOTE: On the form, you are REQUIRED to list the names of all staff and horses you wish to be active in your stable within the RPG.


Private Stable: In order to register with a private stable you will need to actually have an in-game facility that you use/will use for any pictures you upload within the RPG. Additionally, you will need to pay the BANK a small one-time fee in order to purchase the land your stable will be built on. As this is your own facility, you are not limited on space and are free to design it however you’d like.

NOTE: On the form, you are REQUIRED to list the names of all staff and horses you wish to be active in your stable within the RPG.


Choose wisely. If starting in the Community Stable, you will start with 20,000 simoleans. If starting with a Private Stable, you will only start with $15,000 simoleans. 

NOTE: The difference in starting money, is the cost of $5,000 simoleans to purchase the land for your private stable.


Register Here




Creating Characters & Horses


First and foremost, you do not have to create all new characters (staff, horses etc.) to play. You are more than welcome to register your current staff and any currently owned horses you wish to use within the RPG. However, it is highly recommended that you only register staff & horses you intend to keep fully active. (Recommended starting number: 5-10 staff/horses at the maximum.

Note: This could be 5-10 of each; it is not a grand total number.) Use your best judgment in what you think you can handle.


If you choose to create all new staff and horses for the sake of this RPG, we are flattered, but there are some important things to note. Most importantly, you must note that you will be limited to creating 5 foundation horses per RPG year. This is to prevent “horse-flooding” as you commonly see. People create unlimited horses, put them up for sell, stud etc., you see them around for a day or two, then never again.

For now, staff creation is not limited, but we do not recommend you go overboard and create more than you can keep up with.

Note: ALL characters you create will be expected to be kept active. This simply means we expect to see them around. Whether it’s an RP post, a simple photo, a casual mention…just so long as you make an effort.



The Bank


To get your starting money, you must go to the town hall and open a bank account. Once you have opened your account, you can use our premade template to keep track of income/spending.


You WILL be responsible for keeping track. If you don’t, you won’t receive appropriate income. 


Any spending in character (buying coffee, participating in shows, hiring a service/job etc) you MUST pay for it. If caught not paying for something, the amount will be deducted from your account on top of a late fee.


  • Things you DON’T pay for: tack, clothes, things you can adjust in CAS or any deco/stable objects.

  • Things you DO pay for: anything not already in game: additional barns/stables, additional space for your barn (if private and allowing boarders), things your character might buy in a scene (food/drink, additional horses, show entries etc)






You can choose a "career" for your humans as a way to earn additional income. Human Careers are not required, but are recommended. Who doesn't love having extra cash? There are currently four careers to choose from:

  • Stable Hand

  • Competition Rider

  • Trainer/Instructor

  • Vet

*NOTE: You can only pick ONE career per sim you have active in the RPG. There is an option to change careers later on. (See Changing Careers)​


Stable Hand: Being a stable hand is a thankless job and you only earn a low salary for your hard work shoveling manure and rugging the reluctant horses. But as a small reliever you don’t have to pay as much to board your horses, that’s something!

Competition Rider: The world is your oyster. Other stables may hire you to fill in when their rider-to-horse ratio is uneven. The more you ride, and the better you place, the higher your salary. You even get a discount on entry fees.

Trainer/Riding Instructor: You work as either a horse trainer or a riding instructor. Your pay is average but rest assured, you have an easier time with shows as your entry fee is a bit cheaper as thanks for teaching Sims and Equines their stuff.

Vet: You’re the one people turn to when their horse needs some help, be it with sickness or a hoof needing care. This is a very demanding job so you’re guaranteed a higher salary for your help. Beware though, there isn’t a perk waiting for you like the other jobs offer!



Horses have careers too. This is to help you reach your personal goals for each horse by keeping them on track to reach an end goal.  Once a horse has reached 4 years of age they can choose a career path.

  • Competition Horse

  • Breeding Horse

*NOTE: You can only pick ONE career per horse you have active in the RPG. There is an option to change careers later on. (See Changing Careers)​​


Competition Horse: Focuses on competition, training and gaining points through showing. Foals that are bred from competitors gain 10% of both parent’s average.

  • Retires at a maximum age of 20.

Breeding Horse: This career has the benefit of having its own shows where a good pedigree is a great asset. All breeding horses have the perk of ensuring that their offspring gets 2 points when bred, as a plus to their points given from their parents.



Registering Your Horse


Registering horses is optional. However, unregistered horses will be restricted to the Training Level. 


In order to register your horse, you need to have chosen a career. If you chose the competition career, you will also need to decide what disciplines your horse will compete in. For more information, you can refer to the Breed Registries. In the Registries, you will also find the Registration Form.



Riding Disciplines


The current disciplines are limited to four: Dressage and Showjumping for English riders, Reining and Trail for Western riders.

NOTE: for all the mentioned disciplines riding sidesaddle is allowed, though it isn’t encouraged for Training level entrants, seeing as how those horses and riders are still very inexperienced with showing at all.


In the spirit of realism, and because we don’t want to show our horses into early retirement, we are limiting horses to two disciplines each. They do not have to be in the same style (ie. You can declare both Dressage & Reining as your horse’s disciplines).


You can change your horse's declared discipline at any time, however you will only be permitted to change each discipline one time. This is to help keep your horse on track to reach the highest levels in its chosen discipline(s). (See Changing Disciplines)



Training Your Horse


Training your horse is essential for it to learn and excel at its chosen discipline(s). It is recommended to at least train your horse once a RL month, or twice a month if more than one discipline has been declared, to ensure your horse doesn’t get rusty or develop field legs.


You can train your horse by:

  • Posting an image of your horse training.

  • Posting a text paragraph Roleplay of your horse training.

  • Mentioning your horse training in any post you make.


Training your horse is optional, however, the more training your horse has, the better chance it has of placing in shows.



Leveling Your Horse


To make sure that there is work put into reaching higher levels with your horse/s, but not so terribly slow that you lose all interest, we’ve come up with this system to help you better understand what level your horse is currently at, and then progress to reach the top.


Training: All horses start at this level unless their level/points are transferred from another community. No requirements.

Beginner: Remain/compete at Training Level for at least ONE RP year, earn at least 25 points, or place in the top three at least five times in any Training Level show.

Intermediate: Remain/compete at Beginner Level for at least ONE RP year, earn at least 50 points, or place in the top three at least five times in any Beginner Level show.

Advanced: Remain/compete at Intermediate Level for at least ONE RP year, earn at least 100 points, or place in the top three at least five times in any Intermediate Level show.

Grand Prix: Earn at least 150 points, or place in the top three at least ten times in any Advanced Level show.


NOTE: If your horse has previous show experience/points in another community or forum, you are welcome to carry them over to EquidaeRPG. Your horse will then be placed in the appropriate level. Any further “leveling” must be done with the requirements outlined above.



Level Caps


All horses are eligible to enter and compete in shows. All horses will start at the Training Level, unless their points/achievements/level has been transferred to the RPG during registration. Further, horses will be restricted to Training Level unless registered with their respective Breed Registry.


Any registered horse may compete and advance through the levels in their declared discipline(s).

NOTE: The exception would be if a breed is highly undesirable for the discipline. (ie: a shire competing in show jumping).



Earning Points


Earning points for your horse's is a great way to build up their stories, and develop your horse's reputation. The only way to earn points currently is by entering your horse in a show of its chosen discipline(s). Or, for breeding horses, entering them in Breeders Grading Shows.


The maximum number of points your horse can earn per show is 10pts for first place respectively. All subsequent places may vary depending on the shows host.



Earning Titles


Titles are a way to recognize your achievements. Whenever your horse advances a level in its declared discipline, it is awarded a Title. As there are 5 Levels, your horse could potentially earn 5 Titles respectively.


Titles don’t do anything, besides give you bragging rights and certain bonuses if you choose to offer your horse for sale or for stud/brood services.



Entering Shows


Entering shows is a fun way to get yourself out there and give your horse its best chance. Not only do you get to experience the thrill of competing with your fellow members, but you can take home some really great prizes and rewards by winning.


In order to enter a show, you need to make sure it matches your horse’s declared discipline(s). It is recommended to register your horse with its respective Breed Registry, but it is not required.

NOTE: Registration is required to compete at all levels above Training.


Make sure to read all rules and turnout guidelines (if entering with a picture), to get the highest possible judging points. All shows will have an entry form that you must adhere to. After you are ready, simply submit your entry and await the results.

Ways to Enter Shows:

  • Submit a picture of your horse in the show

  • Submit a RP post of your horse in the show

  • A combined entry of picture and RP post.

NOTE: There is a $50 entry fee per horse for ALL shows.



Hosting Shows


Hosting shows can be both stressful, and really fun. Hosting shows is not limited to those who own Private Stables. As an added bonus, and an incentive to encourage members to host, members receive a bonus amount of $5,000 per show they host.

NOTE: The bank pays out all winnings owed, not the host.


Private Stables: Doesn’t cost anything to host a show. *You don’t have to build anything available for people to download to use for your show, but it is encouraged :) If you don’t have an indoor riding hall, you do need to make sure you host your show on a suitable wouldn’t make sense to have a dressage show in a snow covered ring etc.


Community Stables: $200 to rent the event center to host your show. The Community Event Center is guaranteed to be available no matter the weather. (has indoor/outdoor arenas)



Boarding & Leasing Horses


Currently, boarding is only available to Private Stable owners: You can charge however much you see fit, however we would not recommend charging more the Community Stable, or you probably won’t have many takers.

NOTE: In order to prevent abuse, you will be limited to a maximum of 10 stalls open to boarders. If you wish to have more, you may purchase additional stalls from the BANK.


Leasing to be added.



Buying & Selling Horses


Buying and selling horses is the lifeblood of any community. It is strongly encouraged that you buy and sell horses within EquidaeRPG. There are, however, a few things to note:

  • Prices are set, and determined by the horses pedigree, show history (if any), and any titles.

  • Members are only permitted to create 5 foundation horses per RPG year.



Breeding Horses


Any stallion or mare is eligible to be offered for public breeding, providing they have reached sexual maturity and are able. In order to prevent abuse or gross overpricing, there are a few things to note:

  • Stud prices are set, and determined by the horses pedigree, show history (if any), and any titles.

  • Mares are limited to 1 foal per RP year.



Creating Characters
Register Horse
Riding Discipline
Training Your Horse
Leveling Your Horse
Level Caps
Earning Points
Earning Titles
Entering Shows
Hosting Shows

When your


aren't enough, make them 


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